Has it really been almost a month since I posted on this blog???? Sorry for the absence. August has truly been a crazy, hectic month. I definitely have a lot to update everyone on, but first Nolan and I want to wish a Happy 1st Birthday to Emory and Everett!!! Welcome to the toddler club :)
We have had such a busy and exciting month of August and I promise to post some long overdue pics in my next blog. For starters, Bill started a new job on August 1st. After over 3 years at SunTrust and a lot of thought and prayer, he decided to continue his mortgage career at Chase Mortgage. I am so very proud of him and I am so grateful for all he does for our family. Our basement project is 99% complete. YAY!!!! I promise to post some before and after pics once we are at 100%. Right now the painter is doing some touch-up work and a portion of the wood floors needs to be corrected. A couple of weeks ago the boys (i.e., Bill, my dad, and Neal~ thanks guys!!) moved all the office furniture from the upstairs bonus room to the new office in the basement. Then I moved all of my speech therapy materials down there later in the week..WHEW!! Glad that is over. I didn't realize how much stuff you gather over 5 years!!! Anyway, now Nolan has his new play room upstairs and he is loving it. No more playing around the office desk :) All I have to do is find some cute animal decorations for his play room and buy one more storage unit for all of his toys. We are getting there though :) Back to the basement..the tv arrived this week and we are anxiously awaiting the new sectional we ordered. Then all I have to do is decorate :(
We have also had an extremely busy, but fun social calendar. We have had 2 family birthdays, Happy Birthday to Mamaw Kearney and Aunt Stacey, an extended family member's college graduation~ Congrats Uncle Dave, 2 baby showers for my friends, Leslie and Abby, having twins!! Yep, that's right: a set of girls and a set of boys. We can't wait to meet Ava, Isabella, Caden, and Max!! I have a feeling we will be having lots of fun playdates in the future!! A long overdue TN trip while Bill was in Tampa for job training, a new job adventure for me (more to come later), and most importantly of all.....Nolan is officially a walker!!! YAY!! Again happy, but sad for mommy!! I know I did a previous post about Nolan walking, but of course after I told everyone about his first steps, he decided to be a little lazy. He crawls at warp speed and decided that crawling was a much faster means to an end for him. Anyway, at 13 months he is official and we are so very proud of him (I promise to attempt to post a video soon). Needless to say we have been busy, but I have some very cute pics of all of our adventures that I will post very soon. Now we are looking forward to Labor Day weekend and of course the UT game on Monday~ GO VOLS!!!