Ok..I think that I figured out the tag thing, so here it goes...
1. I CAN'T stand feet (except for Nolan's sweet little tootsie toes, of course). They have always grossed me out. I don't even like it when Bill puts his feet anywhere on me when we are lounging on the couch. I think Bill definitely gets the better end of this deal because he never has to give foot massages or pay for pedicures.
2. I eat one thing at a time. While others take a bite of chicken and then a bite of potatoes, I tend to eat all my chiken first and then eat my potatoes. Strange I know. I have strived very hard to not pass this eating habit along to Nolan. So I make a conscious effort to always offer him more than one thing at a time or, god forbid, mix up his food a little bit. It has been a challenge, but I think I am doing quite well :) I also HATE for the food on my plate to touch (maybe this should be #3). Nothing grosses me out more for my food to "run" into other food items. My dad even bought me Corelle divided plates when I moved into my own apartment in grad school, and if Bill hadn't made me get rid of them when we got married I would probably still be using them today.
3. I take a ton of pictures on my digital camera and then I never seem to get around to having them printed. That annoys me!! I need to work on this one ;)
4. I don't like to stay by myself at night. This kind of surprises me since I used to live by myself in grad school and it was never an issue. Maybe it is because we live out in the country on a golf course and I never ever know what creatures and criters are out in the woods. Bill found a snake (my biggest fear ever!!!) hanging out on the glass panes on our front door one night right after we moved in. I was 7 months pregnant and he showed it to me (as if I really needed to see it) and I just stood there crying/screaming and running in place like an idiot. Then I couldn't sleep that night thinking the snake was going to get into the house somehow. Hence my theory as to why I don't like to stay by myself at night now.
5. I can't walk in a straight line. Not even kidding. I bump into doorways, the foot board, the kitchen island, etc. Probably explains why I wasn't very good on the balance beam, but loved the floor when I took gymnastics many, many moons ago.
6. I HATE to sweat!! And I hate it during the summer when you get ready and then you go outside and immediately start sweating. Also, probably why I never run. I wish I liked to sweat and run, but I kind of adopted a policy a long time ago that I wouldn't be running unless someone was chasing me. Fortunately that has never happened so I just don't do it.
7. I secretly enjoy watching kid shows, playing with toys, and just doing kid stuff in general. Having a toddler is great because you get to relive your childhood all over. I love watching Super Why, Thomas, and Sesame Street with Nolan. We took him to ride on Thomas last Friday (pictures to come) and it was really a lot of fun despite all the rain. I have so many other adventures that I can't wait to do with my little man.
I am tagging: Jennifer, Alyssa, Allison, Angy, and Meredith.
I am breaking the tag 7 people rule because all of my other blog friends have already been tagged and they don't need to repeat the process :)
I had forgotten about your no food touching phobia. It's funny because I can't get Emory to eat unless her food is all mixed together. ;)
ok.............i posted my 7 facts. those were hard to come up with!!! and, y'all watch the exact same kids shows that we do -- super why ("why"), thomas ("choo choo") and sesame street. all winners, if you ask me. although, i'm getting tired of seeing them OVER AND OVER AND OVER again! :) hope y'all are enjoying your fall!
i promise i'll get to it this week! i know of a great clinic that can help you with your food sensory issues!! hope you're all doing well.
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