Ok..so here is my belated Halloween post of my little lion. A couple of days before Halloween our church hosted a "Reformation Day" celebration, very similar to a fall festival to give kids a safer alternative to trick-or-treating. The kids are supposed to dress as a favorite Bible character or ark animal. Last year Nolan was an adorable little penguin, but this year he moved up to king of the jungle status. I had his costume picked a long time ago, so starting in early Oct. I began asking him what a lion says. He first looked at me like I was absolutely crazy when I started "roaring," but he quickly became amused and started "roaring" back to me in a sweet little voice. Of course he doesn't always perform on command, especially when others are present (sound familiar to any other mommies??), so getting a video clip is pretty much next to impossible. (BTW- now he not only knows what a lion says, but also a pig, cow, dog, cat, snake, monkey, duck, bear, chicken, horse, and elephant, ok proud mommy moment over :)) So since I didn't have my blog last Halloween I decided to post some old and new costume pictures. It is amazing what a difference a year makes!!