Friday, May 9, 2008

10 Months Old Today!!

Today is Nolan's 10 month birthday!!! Amazing how happy and sad I can be all at the same time. Happy because he has survived in our care for 10 months and is a happy, healthy, handsome little boy. Sad because my little boy is steadily creeping toward the 1 year old status and will be a toddler. Can that possibly be true? It sounds so weird to refer to him as a toddler!! Oh well, life must go on and I am looking forward to many more adventures with my sweet little man. So, Happy 10 month birthday Nolan!!


Anna said...

Pass the spoon! I could just eat him up! 10 months, I don't know how that happens so quickly. He's wonderful. Happy Mother's Day!

Courtney said...

SUCH A CUTIE!! I love his facial expressions :)

Laura said...

So Big! It's hard to imagine having toddlers. He is beautiful! Eric is not looking forward to all these boys growing up.