Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Tagged Take 2
Ok .. maybe one of my tagged facts should be that I am NOT computer minded at all, but for some reason the tagged picture doesn't automatically appear~ you have to click on the X in the window to view the tag information. Sorry!! I don't know how to fix it :(

Ok..I think that I figured out the tag thing, so here it goes...
1. I CAN'T stand feet (except for Nolan's sweet little tootsie toes, of course). They have always grossed me out. I don't even like it when Bill puts his feet anywhere on me when we are lounging on the couch. I think Bill definitely gets the better end of this deal because he never has to give foot massages or pay for pedicures.
2. I eat one thing at a time. While others take a bite of chicken and then a bite of potatoes, I tend to eat all my chiken first and then eat my potatoes. Strange I know. I have strived very hard to not pass this eating habit along to Nolan. So I make a conscious effort to always offer him more than one thing at a time or, god forbid, mix up his food a little bit. It has been a challenge, but I think I am doing quite well :) I also HATE for the food on my plate to touch (maybe this should be #3). Nothing grosses me out more for my food to "run" into other food items. My dad even bought me Corelle divided plates when I moved into my own apartment in grad school, and if Bill hadn't made me get rid of them when we got married I would probably still be using them today.
3. I take a ton of pictures on my digital camera and then I never seem to get around to having them printed. That annoys me!! I need to work on this one ;)
4. I don't like to stay by myself at night. This kind of surprises me since I used to live by myself in grad school and it was never an issue. Maybe it is because we live out in the country on a golf course and I never ever know what creatures and criters are out in the woods. Bill found a snake (my biggest fear ever!!!) hanging out on the glass panes on our front door one night right after we moved in. I was 7 months pregnant and he showed it to me (as if I really needed to see it) and I just stood there crying/screaming and running in place like an idiot. Then I couldn't sleep that night thinking the snake was going to get into the house somehow. Hence my theory as to why I don't like to stay by myself at night now.
5. I can't walk in a straight line. Not even kidding. I bump into doorways, the foot board, the kitchen island, etc. Probably explains why I wasn't very good on the balance beam, but loved the floor when I took gymnastics many, many moons ago.
6. I HATE to sweat!! And I hate it during the summer when you get ready and then you go outside and immediately start sweating. Also, probably why I never run. I wish I liked to sweat and run, but I kind of adopted a policy a long time ago that I wouldn't be running unless someone was chasing me. Fortunately that has never happened so I just don't do it.
7. I secretly enjoy watching kid shows, playing with toys, and just doing kid stuff in general. Having a toddler is great because you get to relive your childhood all over. I love watching Super Why, Thomas, and Sesame Street with Nolan. We took him to ride on Thomas last Friday (pictures to come) and it was really a lot of fun despite all the rain. I have so many other adventures that I can't wait to do with my little man.
I am tagging: Jennifer, Alyssa, Allison, Angy, and Meredith.
I am breaking the tag 7 people rule because all of my other blog friends have already been tagged and they don't need to repeat the process :)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Gone But Not Forgotten
I can hardly believe 7 years have passed since 9.11.2001. Just as many of you, I will never forget that day and its impact on our nation. May we all say a special prayer for the families of the victims, our leaders, and the brave men and women who fight for our safety and freedom everyday. May God bless you this day and always.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
14 Months in a Wobbly World
Today Nolan is 14 months old!! It feels like it was just yesterday I was posting his 1st birthday pics and now 2 months later he has changed so much. He is learning more and more words. The newest favorites are "cookie" and "cracker"~ his little voice is so adorable!!! His receptive language and comprehension is fabulous as well. He is following so many directions and has been pointing to objects in books that we ask him to for the longest time. His little vocabulary is just amazing~ as a speech therapist I have an understanding of how children develop their language skills, but to get a front row seat each and every day is a totally different story :)
And of course we have all learned the true meaning of a "toddler". He is walking around everywhere!!! He went so quickly from being timid about walking and just taking a few steps here and there to being a full blown walking machine :) Along with this new adventure comes some ups and downs, literally. For instance, on the eve of his 14 month birthday I wasn't feeling all that well so I was downstairs in our bedroom and Bill and Nolan were upstairs in the bonus room which is directly above our bedroom. All of a sudden I hear a loud thump and immediate cries. I of course spring into panic mode and run upstairs to survey the damage. I open the door to the bonus room and find Bill holding Nolan and blood spewing from Nolan's mouth. WHAT?!?!?! Ok..so this is our first experience with blood and I try not to totally freak out. Nolan is screaming and crying and reaching for mama so we rush him to the bathroom and begin the calming/examination process. Turns out Nolan took a little wobbly spill and hit his mouth on his little tent/fort toy. I think he also bit his lip in the process. My poor little Roo :( After we calmed him down and stopped the bleeding the world was ok again. He drank some more milk and we attempted to put an ice pack on his new injury. BTW- I read in a magazine that a mom put the salad dressing, etc. packs from fast food restaurants in the freezer to use as ice packs because they are the perfect size. Bill laughed at me when he initially found little frozen salad dressing packs in the freezer, but now he knows you never know when you will need them :) So needless to say Nolan has a fat lip on his 14 month birthday, but it certainly hasn't slowed him down one bit at all and we all survived our first bloody experience- unfortunately I have a feeling this is just the first of many with my active and adventurous little Roo.
And of course we have all learned the true meaning of a "toddler". He is walking around everywhere!!! He went so quickly from being timid about walking and just taking a few steps here and there to being a full blown walking machine :) Along with this new adventure comes some ups and downs, literally. For instance, on the eve of his 14 month birthday I wasn't feeling all that well so I was downstairs in our bedroom and Bill and Nolan were upstairs in the bonus room which is directly above our bedroom. All of a sudden I hear a loud thump and immediate cries. I of course spring into panic mode and run upstairs to survey the damage. I open the door to the bonus room and find Bill holding Nolan and blood spewing from Nolan's mouth. WHAT?!?!?! Ok..so this is our first experience with blood and I try not to totally freak out. Nolan is screaming and crying and reaching for mama so we rush him to the bathroom and begin the calming/examination process. Turns out Nolan took a little wobbly spill and hit his mouth on his little tent/fort toy. I think he also bit his lip in the process. My poor little Roo :( After we calmed him down and stopped the bleeding the world was ok again. He drank some more milk and we attempted to put an ice pack on his new injury. BTW- I read in a magazine that a mom put the salad dressing, etc. packs from fast food restaurants in the freezer to use as ice packs because they are the perfect size. Bill laughed at me when he initially found little frozen salad dressing packs in the freezer, but now he knows you never know when you will need them :) So needless to say Nolan has a fat lip on his 14 month birthday, but it certainly hasn't slowed him down one bit at all and we all survived our first bloody experience- unfortunately I have a feeling this is just the first of many with my active and adventurous little Roo.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
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