I can't even believe that my sweet baby boy is actually 18 months old today! When did that happen???? SO many changes have happened in the last 18 months and he still continues to amaze me each day. From the moment he wakes up until the moment he goes to bed at night he is a bundle of energy. He is so full of love, laughter, innocence, persistence, joy, and curiosity. I don't even know what Bill and I did before God gave Nolan to us. While I really miss that little bitty snuggly stage, it is so wonderful to see him grow, change, and learn more about his little world. He is quite a little talkative man. He uses a ton of words, or at least attempts them
(tractor is definitely only understood by mommy and daddy, but it is getting more intelligible). I guess that's what happens with your mommy is a speech therapist. Poor kid..it's almost like a speech session each day for him. He is also saying some two word phrases such as, "two shoes," "hi Nana," and "my bubba". I love hearing his sweet little voice, especially when he says "mama" and comes over and gives me a big hug~oh, there is just nothing better than that (except maybe when he says "wubwubwubu" for "love you", that really pulls at my heart, too). His new thing is to give us "family hugs"....If I say "family hug" he will pull both of us in for a huge bear hug...so charming already :) He definitely has mommy wrapped around his little finger! I am so proud of all his new accomplishments, too. He is trying his hardest to jump..right now it more like a hop, but he keeps trying get both feet off the ground. Also, for the last month or so he has been very interested in the alphabet (he is loving Sesame Street and Super Why). Now he can pick out all the letters when you ask him to and he can name almost all of the letters and/or their sound names. I love helping him learn about the world around him...everything is a new discovery. I know these next 6 months will fly by, too, and before I know it we will be celebrating his 2nd birthday...absolutely amazing!!
Glad you're back. I love the photo. Nolan is getting so big! Do you think he'd like to to talk to Everett about using his words?
Nolan is so handsome! I can imagine how proud of him you are, he sounds like such a sweet little boy. I love the "family hugs". Its amazing what they pick up and learn, they are like little sponges! We definitely need to get together soon.
Your little man is so cute and getting so big!
Where's Tasha?
Hi- I'm so glad you left a comment on my blog b/c my computer went crazy so I lost your blog site from my "favorites" list. Anyway, glad I was able to track you down! What a cutie!! I can't believe he's able to recognize letters and sounds. Bryce turned 18 months yesterday. His favorite word by far is "basketball"! I'm so happy to see your pics again now that I have your blog address.
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