Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Naps? Who Needs 'em!!

Sorry for the absence~there has been a shortage of naps in the Kearney house. Nolan has been going on all engines full speed ahead all week. All of this is probably happening for several reasons: 1. complete change of routine 2. teething 3. a major case of separation anxiety and last but not least 4. construction on our basement (for some reason the quiet sounds of a jack hammer making footers in concrete is not a desired lullaby). Anyway, hopefully we can figure out something because 20 minute power naps in the car are not sufficient for my little man. Even though his pediatrician assures me that babies sleep in 20 minute cycles and that he is getting enough sleep, I'm not buying it!! He is even waking up in the middle of the night again which hasn't happened in a long time. Hopefully this is just another one of those crazy stages of being a baby. I keep telling myself that this too shall pass and I try to enjoy our late night snuggles because I know one day he will not need me like he does now.

Speaking of separation anxiety. Being a mommy is such a "catch 22". You look forward to date nights or shopping dates, but you miss your little one as soon as you pull out of the driveway. The same thing with separation anxiety. Most times I am thinking you are with a grandparent or daddy and you will be okay, but a part of me is thrilled that he loves and needs his mommy so much. Strange I know, but he has grown and changed so quickly and I love that sometimes only mommy can make it better. Just like the other night, he and Bill were sitting on the floor playing and eating a snack while I was cooking dinner (yes, he is just like his daddy and "grazes" before dinner). All of a sudden I hear a loud thump followed by wails and lots of tears. Nolan had his first major run in with the hard wood floors and only mommy could make it better. I had to control my own tears to console this first "boo boo" which left a red mark and a little bitty bruise for the next day. I had to keep telling myself that he was okay and this was just the first of many "boo boos" in his future, especially as a curious little boy. And so we begin the adventure of boyhood~ I can't wait!!


Unknown said...
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Anna said...

It is so nice when they reach for you instead of anyone else. Funny how boo boos seem to happen more when daddy is around than mommy. Hmm. Wonder why that is? (that's how it works in our house) Here's to wishing you full nights of sleep again SOON.

Kari said...

I'd like to know when you're gonna post some pics of the lil' man on this blog? You gotta let those of us that don't live near by, see him as he grows up!! ;) Hope you and the family are doing well. Much love.