The first week of June we went on the annual Kearney/Smith/Reeves family vacation. This year we made the journey to Pawley's Island in South Carolina. Nolan had so much fun seeing the ocean for the very first time!! The first night we arrived it was windy so he kept opening his mouth in complete awe while pointing to the ocean and saying "oh" over and over. too cute!!
Our little cabana cuties!! Nolan and his cousin Katie liked to take breaks from the sun and hang out in Nolan's cabana tent. How sweet are these little bits?!?! They love each other so much!!
Nolan LOVED playing in his pool. He definitely enjoyed this pool more than the bigger pools we tried. Our little independent man prefers being on his own rather than in a floatie with us in the big pool.
Since we were only about thirty minutes from Myrtle Beach we took the kids to Broadway at the Beach to ride the kiddie rides. Nolan's favorites were the carousel and of course the train.
What could be better than an afternoon nap by the pool with Papa?
We had such an exciting and fun time with Nolan at the beach!! He wasn't so sure about the ocean at first, but after about an hour he was in the water jumping waves with Papaw Kearney. He did great with the different environment and he only had one rough night of sleeping. The fact that he was teething probably didn't help very much either. He took AWESOME naps at the beach and really stayed on his schedule. I told Bill that maybe we should consider moving to the beach since nap times went so well.
On Wednesday night we had an interesting experience. By 9:30 the kids were fast asleep and the adults were hanging out and relaxing when all of a sudden the fire alarms go off. We were all completely shocked and checked outside to see the whole building evacuating, so we scooped up the little ones and headed downstairs. I have heard that kids don't wake up to smoke/fire alarms, but believe me it is actually true!! Nolan did not wake up until we were headed down the stair well and there was a fire alarm right over his bed!! SCARY!! Fortunately there was no fire. Turns out one of the pipes in a condo on the second floor had burst and caused the sprinklers to go off and flood that entire condo. I was worried that Nolan would be scared by this whole event, but he was fascinated with all the commotion, the 4 fire trucks, and the massive amount of firemen that came to the complex. He just kept pointing and talking to the fire trucks. (I don't have a pic because all I grabbed was little Roo.
We had a great time at Pawley's Island. So much so that Bill, Nolan, and I are planning to take another trip back the first week in September.
I'm glad you all had a good time. Nolan is such a cutie pie!
You look AMAZING darling! Good LORD!
And I love Nolan's curly presh!
Sounds like a wonderful time. I agree with Courtney, you look GREAT! I miss the beach!
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